Sunday, April 19, 2009


OK- I have no brain left, as I am working hard towards graduation and can not for the life of me remember what I ate 3 days ago. I do know its been all zone friendly, with no cheating, which is awesome! I also think that I am now "in habit" And I keep eating the same things over and over. I think I am going to "revamp" my blog and start sharing my story and recipes.
As of today I have really improved my performance at crossfit, I'm not a great runner, but I am gonna get there, I have successfully done a some unassisted pull ups and am always hitting PR's when it comes to lifting...It feels good.
I have also lost some weight...I never weighed myself at the beginning, but I think its around 15lbs, I still want to loose some more, but it will come and it comes with being disciplined, not cheating so much, and working hard.
I have also shrunk about 12 inches in my waist, hips and thighs and can see more muscle definition and I am also down from a size 12 to a size 8!
The best is I just feel better, I have so much more energy, endurance, people are complementing my skin and hair "glow", its just been awesome.
So thanks for being my accountability, and I am looking froward to making this more of a recipe/continued success blog!


  1. Hey Christi! I'm so happy for you and your succes! I find it much easier to continue and keep disciplined when you have been so successful. You have been a great inspiration for so many of us! Thanks--and keep it up!

  2. You are doing great Christi!! Keep it up. Many congrats on the gained strength, PR's, and of course...GRADUATION!! (oh yes, and the JOB!!!) Jeanette
