Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rest Day-Im going Gluten and Grain Free!

So about a month ago I started having sever pain in my abdomen. So bad that I couldn't breath at times. Well I went to the doctor and had some tests done and found out I have a very low functioning gallbladder 13% to be exact. The low end of normal is 35%. The recommendations was surgery, however right now that is not a good option for me. I know its a very simple procedure and recovery time is only 1 to two weeks. But if anything is off you double the recovery time (at the least). One of the main reasons I don't want surgery right now is I graduate nursing school in May and if there is any issue with the surgery I could not graduate till December. Emotionally I cannot even fathom that. So I started looking around and talking to people. Hans at CrossfitOKC recommended that I try a gluten/ grain free diet and supplement with fish oil. I thought there is nothing to loose and who knows I may even get to keep my gallbladder! Han's website has a link that explains the whole gluten free thing. In a lot of cases cholecystitis is often undiagnosed celiac disease.
Well for the past 4 days I have been working on going gluten free. It is hard to get used to. Yummy chi tea mix...not gluten free. That tiny piece of dark chocolate for cheat day...not gluten free. So I have been looking at a few websites and have some tips.
1. Print out a list of food/items you can't and can eat
2. Plan ahead
3. Stick to unprocessed foods
4. Mention your new diet restrictions to the ones you they can remind you and also not tempt you. :)
Here are some links I have looked at:
Tips and what to eat
Safe foods
Foods to avoid

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